

The Wellington Flower Show is held twice yearly at Wellington  School. The Spring Show is  held in Wellington Prep School and the Summer Show in the ARC, next to the Princess Royal Sports Centre, South Street, Wellington TA21 8NT


We were delighted that the Summer Show went ahead last August and was well attended.  There was a large number of entries in the majority of the Categories. The Floral Display were as usual magnificent and some of the fuschia plugs sold at the Spring Show were entered and the amount of growth that had been achieved was  remarkable with a multitude of very beautiful flowers on all the exhibits.  As always there were some superb exhibits in the craft, cookery vegetable cut flower and pot plant classes.  Our new MP Gideon Amos came with his wife and thoroughly enjoyed his visit. 

The Spring Show will be on April 5th in the usual venue at Wellington School Prep School off South Street. The Show starts at 2.00 pm with access for disabled visitors at 1.45 pm. There is parking at the back of the prep school school and refreshment will be on sale. 

Schedules will be  available online and hard copies will be available soon at the library (Fore Street) and around the town and local garden centres.